How you can use the squat to assess your muscular health

[ad_1] The way you squat speaks volumes about how strong you are, and how stiff or mobile your hips and knees are /health/fitness/fitness-squats-workout-exercise-strength-training-111709836377426.html 111709836377426 story A squat assessment is something you should go through as soon as you feel a...

Climate anxiety affecting Gen Z’s well-being

[ad_1] A new study shows that more than 80% of young people are ‘concerned’ or ‘very concerned’ about climate change /health/wellness/climate-change-gen-z-anxiety-environment-111709802755750.html 111709802755750 story Devastating consequences of worsening climate change are increasing concerns across the world. Now, a new study shows...

How ultra cyclists train for brutal Himalayan ultra races

[ad_1] Three cyclists speak to Lounge about how they have trained for the challenging Romantika Uz Beas ultra race in Himachal Pradesh /health/fitness/fitness-ultra-cycling-romantika-uz-beas-workout-exercise-111709721157992.html 111709721157992 story The first edition of the Romantika Uz Beas gave Sumer Bansal a good idea about...

How this hidden belly fat can affect your health

Visceral fat refers to the accumulation of fat around internal organs such as the liver, heart, kidneys, and the mesentery of the intestine. Published Date - 6 March 2024, 10:48 AM   New Delhi: Visceral fat, which accumulates around the...

Exposure to short-term air pollution causes one million deaths annually: Study

[ad_1] Breathing fine particulate matter for a few hours or days causes more than one million premature deaths annually across the world, new study finds /health/wellness/short-term-air-pollution-mortality-health-111709722960694.html 111709722960694 story Exposure to short-term fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in air pollution causes more...

Your guide to effective period pain relief products to buy today

[ad_1] Lounge draws a list of pain relief products in the market that promise to alleviate period cramps and are safer than the controversial painkiller, Meftal /health/wellness/meftal-menstrual-cramps-period-pain-products-cbd-oil-tens-therapy-111709639187359.html 111709639187359 story The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC), in December last year, issued a...

Why women often quit exercising

[ad_1] Despite exercise being positively correlated with mental well-being, over half of women are dropping out or stopping exercise completely, a new study shows /health/fitness/exercise-women-mental-well-being-gender-roles-111709635026828.html 111709635026828 story It’s well-known that exercise is positively correlated with mental well-being and can often...

10 signs you’re low on vitamin D

[ad_1] Vitamin D enables healthy functioning of the body's nervous and immune systems. Watch out for these common signs that indicate a deficiency in this essential nutrient /health/wellness/10-signs-vitamin-d-deficiency-fatigue-weight-gain-osteoporosis-eczema-111709607678764.html 111709607678764 story Vitamin D is essential for maintaining overall health as it...

Obesity problem enormous in Telangana

[ad_1] <!-- --> According to estimates from multiple public health specialists, the trend of steady rise in obesity, diabetes, hypertension and pre-diabetes stages will continue, as younger obese adults age into older adults Published Date - 4 March 2024, 11:35...

Exercise could help beat bedtime blues, new study reveals

[ad_1] A new study emphasises that sleep quality is linked to how people structure their day and exercise plays an important role /health/wellness/exercise-healthy-day-sleep-quality-111709546857032.html 111709546857032 story It’s well-known that getting a good night’s rest is crucial to maintaining optimal health. But...
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