Where Cyrus Broacha is caught between a birthday, dry day and polling day

[ad_1] Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi There is a lot of pressure, this weekend, and it’s not just from my middle-aged bladder. Oh God, why did I bring that up? Now, I want to relieve myself, which would...

When Cyrus Broacha went for an IPL match

[ad_1] Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi I’m a little ashamed to say, actually I’m always ashamed to say most things, but about this one I am a little more ashamed than normal. Since you insist on being more...

Where Cyrus Broacha traces the roots of All Fools Day  

[ad_1] Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi I’m gobsmacked, stunned, super upset, scared and nauseous. And no, this time it wasn’t from watching Big Boss. Once I tell you why I’m afraid, you too, dear readers, will be inconsolable,...

What made The Rotary Club of Madras (East) invite Cyrus Broacha to Chennai

[ad_1] Satheesh Vellinezhi | Photo Credit: Satheesh Vellinezhi By the time you read this, (I’m presuming you are reading this, pardon please), I will be in the beautiful city of Chennai. Let me explain what happened. A couple of months...