People who rely on will power to achieve goals more trustworthy, says study

[ad_1] Over 2800 participants in the study rated people who'd use their will power to achieve a goal like quitting smoke or losing weight as having more integrity than those who relied on external help /health/wellness/will-power-achieve-goals-trustworthy-commitment-strategies-111713090658151.html 111713090658151 story People relying...

Balanced diet best for overall brain health, says study

[ad_1] A recent study by researchers, involving 181,990 participants, found that people who ate a balanced diet had better fluid intelligence, memory and mental health /health/wellness/balanced-diet-brain-health-cognitive-function-mediterranean-diet-111712220546775.html 111712220546775 story From the crispy crunch of fresh veggies to the creamy indulgence of...

Oestrogen protects against obesity-related fatty liver, says study

[ad_1] A study by Sweden's Karolinska Institutet has discovered how the female sex hormone protects the body from developing fatty liver due to obesity. A medicine is in the works /health/wellness/oestrogen-hormone-obesity-related-fatty-liver-karolinska-institutet-111710059658454.html 111710059658454 story New research from Sweden's Karolinska Institutet demonstrates...