How ultra cyclist Kabir Rachure completed one of the toughest Himalayan races

[ad_1] This year, Kabir Rachure became the first person to finish the Romantika Uz Beas, one of the toughest ultra cycling races in the Himalaya /health/fitness/fitness-ultracycling-cycling-workout-exercise-111712754419173.html 111712754419173 story Half way through the Romantika Uz Beas (RUB), a 700km ultra cycling...

How ultra cyclists train for brutal Himalayan ultra races

[ad_1] Three cyclists speak to Lounge about how they have trained for the challenging Romantika Uz Beas ultra race in Himachal Pradesh /health/fitness/fitness-ultra-cycling-romantika-uz-beas-workout-exercise-111709721157992.html 111709721157992 story The first edition of the Romantika Uz Beas gave Sumer Bansal a good idea about...