Balanced diet best for overall brain health, says study

[ad_1] A recent study by researchers, involving 181,990 participants, found that people who ate a balanced diet had better fluid intelligence, memory and mental health /health/wellness/balanced-diet-brain-health-cognitive-function-mediterranean-diet-111712220546775.html 111712220546775 story From the crispy crunch of fresh veggies to the creamy indulgence of...

How ageing impacts the gut microbiome and causes inflammaging

[ad_1] Inflammaging – inflammation caused by ageing – leads to a decrease in immune response that can put people at risk of infection and diseases /health/wellness/ageing-gut-microbiome-inflammaging-inflammation-prebiotics-probiotics-111712129231380.html 111712129231380 story The human immune system changes with age. Immune responses start to become...