Understanding the toxic relationship between sugar and the liver

[ad_1] A sugar-laden diet can lead to accumulation of fat in the liver, which can progress into a number of ailments including diabetes /health/wellness/sugar-consumption-liver-ailments-fatty-liver-disease-diabetes-111713952764174.html 111713952764174 story When you consider modern dietary habits, sugar is – arguably – the silent saboteur....

Oestrogen protects against obesity-related fatty liver, says study

[ad_1] A study by Sweden's Karolinska Institutet has discovered how the female sex hormone protects the body from developing fatty liver due to obesity. A medicine is in the works /health/wellness/oestrogen-hormone-obesity-related-fatty-liver-karolinska-institutet-111710059658454.html 111710059658454 story New research from Sweden's Karolinska Institutet demonstrates...