Translated short fiction: A 73-year-old Indian man goes to Bangladesh, his ‘land of birth’, to die

[ad_1] An Indian citizen arrived in our town. This wasn’t really news. The Indian border is very close to our town and many people cross over every day. They are ours; they belong to this land. Most of them are...

An exhibition has brought to life the colourful history of (mostly black-and-white) comics in Bengal

[ad_1] Bengal has a long story to tell when it comes to comics, and cartoons – and finally there has been an attempt to trace the evolution of Bengali comics, with the Comics Culture Collective and the Kolkata Centre for...

‘Bangladesh: A Literary Journey’: An anthology that takes a stand against cultural elitism

[ad_1] Bangladesh occupies a strange place in global literature today, peculiar rather than exotic. The haughty entitlement of an unshakeable belief in peerless cultural, literary and intellectual heritages setting literary genius as a birthright in stone is offset by the...