Tension at Kalapather in Old City after cops thrash youth

Tension at Kalapather in Old City after cops thrash youth

Hyderabad: A tense situation prevailed for a while under the Kalapather police station limits in the Old City of Hyderabad after a home guard allegedly beat up youngsters on Sunday night.

The incident took place around 11.30 pm when two bike-borne police constables who were patrolling the streets in the Old City of Hyderabad noticed a group of boys sitting at a street corner. The policemen in an attempt to disperse them swung a lathi.

It is alleged a boy was hit by a homeguard leading to a confrontation between the policeman and the boys. The young adults were reportedly livid at being thrashed for no reason. At this point of time, some other boys were filming the incident and the home guard in question hit them also with a lathi.

The act was recorded on a mobile phone. However, as the situation was turning ugly in Kalapathar the policemen left the place. Local youngsters complained that the Kalapather policemen in the Old City of Hyderabad are regularly beating the youth in the colonies late at night. Local leaders also gathered in the area after the incident.

This is however not the first time in the Old City of Hyderabad that police excesses have been reported.

Prior to this, a Moghalpura inspector last year was transferred for using reprehensible language and hitting the public in the Old City of Hyderabad. Disciplinary action was taken against him and has also been transferred from the station. The officer, Durga Prasad, was seen needlessly thrashing the public – pedestrians and commuters – in the Old City.

According to the complaint lodged against the Moghalpura inspector then by activist SQ Massod, Durga Prasad was allegedly thrashing and harassing people at night in the Old City of Hyderabad as part of the Mission Chabutra of the Hyderabad police. The program was introduced to get youth who hang out late in the night outside of their homes to stop indulging in the activity.

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